Friday, October 26, 2007


The artist of this work is Jeffery Sabol; Mystic, Connecticut. It was sent to me by my friend Jean; who lives in Mystic. I can always count on Jean for a card, picture, puzzle, small toy, or just simple email to let me know how her day went. She also planted a tree in my honor in her backyard, and sent me a couple of leaves for a keepsake.

But this picture, when I received it, immediately had tremendous impact and meaning for this phase of my life.

As in the picture, I cannot see clearly or far ahead; all appears to me to be foggy or misty.

As in the picture, the water below is calm; although I feel my life is turbulent.

As in the picture, I am the first boat, but my sails are down. I cannot go where I am used to going. I have small boats attached, so others can visit me; but I remain stationary on this water (turbulent to me, calm in actuality).

As in the picture, there is a second boat. It is not me, it is Another; it is God's Promise. No matter what the circumstance, I will only be given what I can handle and God will shoulder the rest; for I AM NEVER ALONE. God remains there, by my side, as I glide slowly through these waters from this life to the next.

Another friend asked me about this picture, again today. I don't have as much breath now, as I did a few weeks ago when I received this picture. Trying to again explain the meaning of the picture was a very emotional experience, which I could not get through without tears.

May I continue to use this picture for inspiration, and remembrance of God's Promise during this passage. I AM NEVER ALONE.



Unknown said...

Dear Brent,
This pic reminds me of a song the nuns taught us at the convent-
"Row,row,row your boat, gently down the stream,
merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily,life is but a dream."
How appropriate. We all are living a dream,this life,fighting with emotions like anger,fear,ignorance.
And when we are going to wake up, we are going to see ,well,it was a dream.
Dear friend, entrust yourself to the enlightenment of Christ consciousness,to the ever loving care of
Mother Mary.Post all your anxieties to Him who listens. For He has promised, in the Holy Bible (& in
the scriptures of every religion) that;" when you tell
me your problems, they become mine."
Sending you lots of healing energy & sincere prayers.
Shobha & Chiranjeev Prasad,
Jalna (India).

Randy said...


I really like your picture of the boats in the mist and your interpretations of that scene. I have always liked foggy days. When we can't see far, our imagination will take us places that our eyes cannot. That can be scary or it can be a time of comfort in the confines of the unknown. I wish for you, and I am confident that you have, the faith, courage, and support to go where we cannot see.

Peace to you,