Monday, December 3, 2007

A Celebration of Brent Zehr's Life

Dear Friends of Brent:

At Brent's request, this is his father writing what will be the final journal entry outlining briefly the Celebration of Life Memorial Service held for him December 1, 2007. Despite inclement weather including roadway icing, there was a large gathering of family, friends and others who had known, worked and interacted with Brent over the years. While there were certainly elements of profound sadness of the need for this occasion, at the same time there was an uplifting spirit of celebration of a life well-lived and one that had made a positive impact on many people, both as a result of his professional activities and from his writings through this blog site. For Brent, sharing these blog messages was a form of therapy over the past months as he anticipated and planned for his coming graduation from this life to the next.

Following is the program:


Prelude Music: (included was Benjamin, Brent's youngest son, playing a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace).



Hymn: "When Peace Like a River"

Scripture: Isaiah 40:28-31; I Peter 1:3-9 - - Lynn and Guri Johal

Quartet: "Children of the Heavenly Father"

Sharing: Martha Moore

Scripture: Psalms 23

Sharing: Karl Cressman, Jack Widholm


Sharing: Alka and Brad Harringer

Hymn: "Amazing Grace"

Sharing: Rajmohan Gandhi, Roger Beachy

Quartet: "Day by Day"

Open Sharing

Reading: "Surely there must be....." David Wright

Hymn: "Praise God from Whom"

Postlude Music

Ministers: Cindy Breeze and Larry Wilson
Pianists: Debra Sutter and Benjamin Zehr
Song Leader: Cindy Breeze
Quartet: Clark Breeze, Kara Hjelmstad, Rachel Rasmussen and Robin Shealy
Soloist: David Wright

Those sharing formally during the program were friends from Brent's childhood years, from undergraduate and graduate student years, from post graduate years and from years as a faculty member at Purdue University. In addition, faculty from the University of Illinois and colleagues who have worked with Brent as a research scientist reflected on his life and professional contributions. Due to the inclement winter weather, which resulted in closure of the local airport, Dr. Roger Beachy, President of the Danforth Science Center, St. Louis, MO., was unable to attend. He faxed his comments which were read on his behalf.

During the period of open sharing, many people commented on Brent's life, including those of both a professional and personal nature. Perhaps none summarized Brent's life more appropriately than Dr. Earl Kellogg, recently retired Associate Provost for International Affairs at the University of Illinois, who observed that in academic circles there is an assumption that the life of a scientist is incompatible with simultaneously having a deep religous faith. Brent's life proved that assumption false.

Brent's remains have now been cremated. At Brent's request, Usha, Brian and Benjamin will take his ashes to significant places in India and elsewhere where they have lived, worked and traveled. In Brent's own words, "My wife and children will do this, out of respect and to bring a form of closure to my life on earth - - - for everyone."

Brent's life, while much too short, was well-lived and productive. It was a privilege and honor to have had him as a member of our family.

In Lieu of flowers, the following may be considered, an eye hospital for free eye care for the poor (Shri Ganapati Netralaya, or the Urbana Park District, for Meadow Brooks Park (attn: These may be directed to First Mennonite Church, 902 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 if so desired.

Thus ends Brent's blog:



Unknown said...

Dear family members and friends of Dr Brent,
He worked hard , he accomplished, he finished first. He continues to inspire with his journey,his love for life, his love for humanity. He lives in our thoughts as a dear, brave friend. God's fovourite child; everlasting peace to you.
A final goodbye,
Shobha and Chiranjeev Prasad.
Jalna (India).

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