Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tribute to Miles Levin

This blog is a short tribute to Miles Levin. Miles passed away recently. He was a teenage cancer patient who had been in the news over the past few months due to his blog site, which detailed experiences over the two years he suffered from rhabdomyosarcoma. Miles' cell type was very similar to mine, as well as likely prognosis given conventional treatments. Sharing of his experiences through a blog has been a tremendous blessing to many cancer patients and their families; and illustrates the powerful impact of personal connections through the Internet.

Among the many contributions Miles made during his blog is the thought that dying was not his greatest fear, but rather dying without having made a significant impact. His blog was a way to have that significant and positive impact on others. Toward the end, he also stated that perhaps he was put on this Earth to show people with this cancer type how to die with grace. Indeed that he did, and many are grateful for his example. Will I follow Miles' path over the coming months? That only God knows; but his would be a good example to follow, if necessary.

You can read more about Miles, and find a linkage to his blog site using the following article.

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